Rexdale CHC – Ethnocultural Seniors’ Program offers a safe and friendly space for older adults (55+) from diverse cultures to meet. The purpose of the program is to reduce social isolation of ‘at risk’ (and) ethnic seniors; to support the development of social networks; promote health and wellness; to build self-esteem/self-confidence to lead an active independent life.
Rexdale Community Health Centre offers Ethnocultural Seniors 55+ Program at various locations throughout Rexdale and Central Etobicoke.
RCHC is currently offering a broad range of virtual programs for older adults 55+ via telephone (SCWW) and the online Zoom platform.
For registration or more information, please contact Dan Grummon (Program Coordinator) at or call 416-744-0066 ext. 2317 and or Wendy (Program Manager) 416-744-0066 ext. 2233.
You can now book an Appointment Online with your Program Services Worker (Seniors, Children, and Youth Program) and fill out the form below. Community Programs.

Programs for Seniors 55+
The program successfully breaks – down the barriers to access by providing:
Culturally competent programming, ESL instruction, translation/interpretation, no-cost programming, transportation, food access, health promotion activities, and links to primary care and the broader community.
The program is offered to older adults 55+ who reside within the RCHC catchment area.
Interested participants can register via a standard registration form.
Rexdale Community Health Centre offers, the Seniors 55+ in various program segments:
- Exercise classes
- ESL classes
- Health Education Sessions
- Art Programs
- Food Access Programs
- Somali Seniors Program.
- Computer Classes
- Women’s Exercise Program
For registration or more information please contact Dan Grummon (Program Coordinator ) or call 416-744-0066 ext. 2317 and or Wendy (Program Manager) 416-744-0066 ext. 2233.