Mentoring Programming
Our mentoring program provides students with various support services based on their grades and interests. Students can sign up for mentorship groups, as well as attend workshops and presentations from external facilitators that provide social, academic, and career support in numerous fields. Some of the programs available to students include:

Life Skills Workshops
The Toronto Dominion Bank and Penny Drops workshops encourage financial literacy to enhance students’ skills assisting them with banking, understanding credit, and budgeting practices for use in daily life.Health & Wellness Workshops
Mental Fitness and Healthy Eating Workshops:
Peel Canadian Mental Health Association’s mental fitness workshop explores stigmas about mental health/illness, identifies signs and symptoms, and explores coping mechanisms, while the Rexdale Community Health Centre’s Community Dieticians’ workshop provides information on having a healthy balance in our food, diet, and providing easy meals and recipes.Career Exploration:
Big Brothers/Sisters – Pump for Post-Secondary Program:
Big Brothers/Sisters, Pump for post-secondary program introduces post-secondary programs and careers while exploring options at Humber College. The workshops also aim to demystify post-secondary experience, develop goals to pursue post-secondary education, provide access to a network of mentors, and provide resources, information, and access to opportunities.
BCG – Career Mentorship Program:
Boston Consulting Group facilitates their Career Mentorship program focusing on various topics, which include: University and College Applications, Careers in Business, Communication for Success, Careers in STEM, Entrepreneurship/Small Business, and Technology. This program provides information and exploration of various career paths while building networks to help prepare students for their final year in high school and as they transition into Post-Secondary school.
Symcor and STEM’s coding workshop provides students the opportunity to learn about the art of coding as a potential future career. Students are given access to an online platform where they can learn, in real-time, how to create and develop their own video game virtually and learn the basics of coding.

Scholarship support workshops entail reviewing best practices, tips on how to put one’s best application forward, essay writing, as well as direct support for specific scholarship applications.
OSAP & Pathways to Education Bursary Access Workshops:
OSAP and Accessing Students’ Pathways to Education bursary supports encourage students to apply to OSAP once their post-secondary acceptances have been confirmed. Students learn how to access their Pathways’ Bursary by creating an account with Universities Canada to pay toward post-secondary tuition fees.